

Davina is a cardiovascular and rural health researcher with a passion for engaged and inclusive modes of research. Davina leads an interdisciplinary program of research exploring cardiovascular care, patient and provider experiences and rural health service delivery and has undertaken a broad range of clinical and health services research. Davina has published and presented nationally and internationally and is an active member of the healthcare and research communities within Canada and beyond.


Selected Publications

Baumbusch, J., Lauck, S. B., Achtem, L., O’Shea, T., Wu, S., & Banner, D. (2017). Understanding experiences of undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation: One-year follow-up. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 1474515117738991.


Clark, A. M., Wiens, K. S., Banner, D., Kryworuchko, J., Thirsk, L., McLean, L., & Currie, K. (2016). A systematic review of the main mechanisms of heart failure disease management interventions. Heart, 102(9), 707-711


Banner, D., Janke, F., & King-Shier, K. (2015). The importance of collaborative partnerships. In: Exploring Evidence-based Practice: Debates and Challenges in Nursing.


Lear, S. A., Singer, J., Banner, D., Horvat, D., Park, J. E., Bates, J., & Ignaszewski, A. (2014). Randomized trial of a virtual cardiac rehabilitation program delivered at a distance via the Internet. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 7(6), 952-959.


Banner, D., Miers, M., Clarke, B., & Albarran, J. (2012). Women’s experiences of undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(4), 919-930.


Banner, D., & Albarran, J. W. (2009). Computer aided qualitative data analysis software: A review. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(3), 24-27.